What Are the Odds

Not too long ago someone commented in surprise “what are the odds of that” when they learned that we’re expecting another boy. Having two boys in a row is 25.8% likely according to statistics gathered about actual families. I’m not sure what triggered such an unusual reaction but my mind continues to reel as to the possibilities of why someone would ever react in such a way. They obviously thought it was going to be a girl this time but were they disappointed? Scared that the boy will be like Rio? Just plain old surprised? Thing is I was so surprised by the reaction that I’m not really sure who had this reaction to begin with. It’s in such an odd place in my mind because the actual experience is blocked out but my thoughts about it are whirling about. I’m a bit upset but also intrigued. I hope one day to figure out who said it and why. In the meantime it helps to write it down.

About a week ago I noticed that my bump is slightly bigger on the left. With both of my prior pregnancies it was slightly bigger on the right. I’m not sure if that means anything but it is fascinating. It’s one more thing that sets this baby boy apart from his siblings. These past few weeks have been slightly easier because I feel the baby moving regularly now and I’ve got plenty of energy most of the time. A few interrupted nights recently led to a few sluggish days and now I have a cold but it’s been fairly mild.

Yesterday was the eclipse and I had a moment when I was helping my daughter with her glasses where I tried to imagine how different it would have been to also have Rio along. He wouldn’t have even noticed the eclipse and would have probably just been happy playing in the sand alongside of us and watched the surfers with us. It was a sweet thought and super idealized. I hope that we are able to enjoy such beach days in a year or two with this next baby.

Today I found out that my friend’s due date is April 8, 2018. It’s crazy thinking that Rio would have been turning two. I also feel more connected to her baby and really hope it’s healthy. It’s insane trying to imagine life now with two kids and a third pregnancy. Her middle child is 2.5 so that would have meant I wouldn’t be pregnant yet – and our family plan prior to losing Rio wasn’t to be pregnant now. That makes this pregnancy so much more meaningful.

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